How to Use Yoga for Back Pain Relief

>> Monday, October 14, 2013

By Philipp Schoeffmann

Yoga comes from India and the word means "union", uniting the body, mind and spirit through a combination of postures, movement and breathing exercises. More people are discovering the benefits of yoga as a form of treatment for back pain. There are many different forms of yoga for back pain available and a number of recent studies have shown that people with back pain who practice yoga reduce their pain more than patients using other forms of treatment.

There are many aspects and benefits of yoga in relation to your health. Many people start yoga for back pain with one aim but eventually come to the realization that it can provide many positives to their life:

Flexibility: Yoga is great for improving your mobility and flexibility through the many different postures that involve stretching. The stretches are an excellent way to loosening the muscles and also reducing stress, which can cause back pain.

Stretches: Many of the poses and postures associated with yoga are great for stretching and increasing flexibility. As you learn the forms and poses, they are always held for a few seconds, it is this that will maintain the stretch and improve movement of your back muscles.

Be Strong: Yoga is not all about relaxing and stretching, many of the poses and movements can be quite demanding physically. Additionally, these poses need to be help for several seconds, which improves the strength of your muscles over time. This increase in strength will help to reduce back pain and also help to avoid future back problems by maintaining a healthy supple spine.

Posture and balance: Many yoga poses will help the alignment of your spine and help to improve your posture. Many of us either walk or stand incorrectly, putting unequal pressure on the spine. This can cause back problems or exasperate current back problems. Practicing yoga for back pain can help to improve your posture and body balance.

Psychological Benefits: While many people with back pain will testify that the pain is real and not in their head, there is proof that yoga can increase the production of endorphins, which can have a positive impact on pain. Other psychological benefits associated with yoga for back pain are the reduction of stress and pain management.

As more tests and studies on the effects of yoga take place, none of the results are a surprise to people who practice yoga. In a way, science is still catching up to be able to prove the positive effects of yoga for back pain.

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Back Pain Relief through Back Massage. Massage therapy is often used by physical therapists with many other forms of active and passive therapy plus exercise and weight training to alleviate back pain. Massage therapy is also a stand-alone therapy that is used by licensed massage therapists


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